Basic EKG Course (Coming Soon)

Basic EKG Course – COMING SOON

We offer a complete basic EKG course which starts with a simplified overview of anatomy and physiology of the heart, cardiac conduction system and function and wraps up with normal and abnormal EKG patterns and ACLS applications.

No jargon, just plain, clear information to build real clinical skills. You will learn to recognize and understand normal and abnormal EKG strips. During the session, you will practice recognition and analysis of EKG strips as you gain understanding of the following common EKG rhythms and activities.

  • Cardiac Anatomy and Conduction System Physiology
  • Measuring Cardiac Events: Waves, Intervals, Rhythm and Rate
  • Effects of EKG Events on Cardiac Output
  • Sinus and Atrial Rhythms
  • Junctional Rhythms, Overview of Supraventricular Rhythms
  • AV Blocks
  • Pacemakers
  • Ventricular Rhythms
  • ACLS Rhythms

Upon completion of this program the participant should be able to:

  • Identify basic normal EKG waveform morphology.
  • Describe the normal physiology of cardiac conduction.
  • Distinguish between basic dysrhythmias.
  • Describe the physiological consequences and treatments of these basic dysrhythmias.